I'm standing proudly at the counter of our new high end consignment boutique Little Bits Recycled eagerly working my way through the items our customers have brought in to re-sell, and a impeccably dressed woman walks in to check out our offering. It's a moment later before she says "excuse me miss...why does this pair of Gucci shoes look scuffed on the bottom?... her voice trails at the end as she realizes she is holding something "DIRTY" that was once worn by another, and I can tell from her desperate look she wants to pull out her purse sized hand sanitizer immediately. I try to stifle a giggle. "So all your items are USED?" she states distastefully, of course it's not really a question but rather an accusation as she high tails it for the front door and as I stare at the space that was once her obviously superior being I and am reminded of a cartoon image of Broom Hilda where she exits so quickly that the sheer force of her departure leaves only her bobby pins on the floor.
We have been so very spoiled haven't we? For the past ten years and longer our generation has basked in the glory of entitlement and has never had to take "seconds," "hand-me-downs," or "used." Our media has marketed the new, the shiny, and the next generation release of every product on the market announcing the new, improved, and latest in technology, fashion, transportation, toys, appliances, and gadgets. We have flocked to buy the new - while our barely used items sit forgotten on our shelves in favor of an upgrade as our parents and grandparents looked on, more than a little shocked at our complete lack of frugality or compunction.
This is the age of sustainability, and if we are all to do our "little bit" - we need to all ask ourselves FINALLY, where can I trim the fat? What do I really need? How can I get additional use from this item?
Don't get me wrong- I like everyone else LOVE to shop and spend money, and I am as into fashion as any other red blooded American woman, but when the level of consciousness is reached where you understand the throw away nature of our culture and the level of contamination and pollutants that go into production and manufacturing you can no longer justify your lusts as freely...or can you? Shopping consignment is not only eco friendly but can be an incredibly satisfying experience.
Here are just some of the benefits of shopping resale:
- The Consignor benefits by cleaning out their home and generating income and cash and creating additional "value" out of the items she no longer needs or is using.
- Smart Shoppers benefit by saving $$$ and buying a gently worn/used item instead of new one leaving more money for other needs.
- The EARTH benefits because one less toy, handbag, or sofa is not polluting a landfill, not to mention the fuel saved or burned in order to create and ship new products over from far away lands such as China.
- Children Benefit by example and view their parent as smart, caring, responsible, adults who teach them the value of conservation, and responsible consumption.