Earth Day is upon us and as we contemplate how what we can individually and collectively do to make the world a greener place, a natural suggestion is to think about these things more often than once per year.
The other part of the equation is simple education. What is the difference between someone that recycles and one that doesn't, or someone that minimizes their carbon footprint and the person that doesn't? For the most part, it is simply being taught about the importance of these things.
Yesterday the New York Times published an article about the importance of not only teaching children to care for the earth, but of children's role in teaching their parents.
Global Green Pals are not just dolls or ways to teach children about recycling, clean air & water, etc., rather they embody the idea that children can be powerful influences for change. Whether it is the four teenagers referred to in the NY Times, that have become leaders in the environmental movement, or 7 year-old Charlie Simpson who raised $240,000 for Haiti, children are capable of so much more than we think because, in the words of 12 year-old prolific writer Adora Svitak,"They don't think about limitations, just good ideas."
I hope Global Green Pals will inspire children across the country to think in terms of positive solutions, and even small things that they can do to make a difference to their world. You can read more about the different "Pals" and hear what they have to say on the Global Green Pals blog.
(This article Inspired by Robert Wilson)
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