Our earth is one of eight planets that circle the sun & together they are known as the solar system. Life on the Earth could not exist without the heat and light of the Sun. Heat from the sun generates winds, ocean currents and all of our weather. Heat and light from the sun generate the energy needed by all living things.
The Solar System is just a tiny piece of a huge universe.
The reason we can live on earth is because it's surrounded by a blanket of gasses known as the atmosphere. The atmosphere gives us air to breathe and water to drink. Other planets have atmosphere too but it would be impossible to live on them...Mars for instance, but is inhabitable due to lack of water and breathable air. It's also very cold on Mars.
Our atmosphere contains gases known as greenhouse gasses and without them the Earth would freeze and humans would be unable to live. The main gasses contained in the greenhouse gasses are CO2 methane and water vapor. The Earths atmosphere is delicately balanced, and any changes to this balance will make it harder to live on Earth.
The Earth is warming up at an alarming rate due to the fact that humans are adding more greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere, and we are doing this by burning fossil fuels. We burn the fossil fuels to make energy which we convert to electricity. We also use energy to heat our homes and fuel our vehicles. When we burn it, we give off greenhouse gas or CO2. Too much Greenhouse gas in the atmosphere stops the suns heat from escaping and makes the world hotter. This is known as global warming.
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