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What does it mean to be a Conversational Leader?
As we turn the corner in April and move forward into May, we would like to take a moment to thank you. Successfully creating and developing a sustainable consulting business has been no easy task. One that could not have been accomplished without the kind words and referrals of our clients. With little to no marketing, JLC's services are now highly sought after in many parts of the world. Thank you again and please keep us in mind if you believe that an organization or event would benefit from working with us. It is an honor and a pleasure to serve you.
Yours in Service and Learning,
Ray Jorgensen
What is a Conversational Leader?
We often hear and use these words, yet when was the last time you thought about what it meant to you? Please take a moment to read how many of our clients responded to the provocation.
A Conversational Leader...
invites others into the conversation seeks common understandinguses CPO and checks for understanding, closes the loopis non-judgmentalacknowledges and responds respectfully
employs cognitive creative tension acknowledges and asks asks a lot of questions relationally superior earns trust and creates safe space is able to honestly define their current state is able to recognize emotional tension and create dialogue acknowledges different learning styles uses the conversational guidelines is intentional about practicing the disciplines gets everyone's voice into the meeting uses provocations to surface thinking of others leverages every agenda item, including only the critical few journals frequently uses clear, concise, quick stories to illustrate a point slows down the conversation recognizes we learn more from conflict than agreement understands it is dangerous to want something for someone else understands that knowledge lies within everyone not just them is supportive and knows the people they lead is authentic and transparent, inviting vs demanding holds concise focused meetings listens and doesn't correct people's thinking, just facts embraces vulnerability
Thank you again for your referrals and recommendations.
Please keep them coming!
Would you like to learn more about our services?
Please call Colleen at 530-318-5015 or email [email protected]
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Jorgensen Learning Center | 2108 Park Avenue | PMB # 105 | Orange Park | FL | 32073